EfVET Conference 2024 “Training the Gen Z: New Horizons for VET”

Welcome to the website of the 33rd EfVET Annual Conference. The theme for this conference is “Training Gen Z: New Horizons for VET”. The Conference takes place from the 23rd to the 26th of October 2024 in Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

The 21st century has been characterised by several phenomena all largely characterised by technology and, recently, artificial intelligence (Calleja, 2023). The new generation of learners, so-called Gen Z, brings a potential of innovation with their attitude, being technology-native, exposed to international culture (music, cinema, sport, events) and already experiencing great challenges, from the pandemic to a cultural paradigm shift. Meanwhile, technology advancements are innovating the landscape of future jobs, skills and qualifications.

The EfVET Conference 2024 “Training the Gen Z: New Horizons for VET” aims at addressing those challenges in order to offer the delegates and the VET ecosystem concrete tools to successfully cope with the new emerging challenges in education and training.